We are so blessed by your interest in R.H.E.M.A. R.H.E.M.A. is a Ministry of Evangelism, Discipleship, Sacrificial Service and Caring Support. We were created with purpose and God has given us spiritual gifts to be used for His Glory. (I Peter 4:10) But in our senior years we may experience various limitations. Our time is limited. Our energy is limited. Our health may bring limitations. So we need to understand how God wants and needs us to serve Him within these limitations. Yes, a heroine is a woman noted for courage and daring action; but, we must wisely approach and execute Kingdom Work in alliance with the WILL of the Father. Winning souls to Jesus is not a matter of trial and error but being led by the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us in Romans 8:14, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.” There is only one successful soul-winner and that is The Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus must work in us and through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We must avoid the temptation to be pulled in every direction and give the Holy Spirit permission to center our efforts on His Kingdom Work. We hope you will stay connected with R.H.E.M.A. ministries. We will endeavor to help you courageously respond to God’s call to action, stepping obediently into your sacred evangelistic calling of being and building disciples for Christ. Our desire is for God to be glorified and The Lord Jesus to be magnified.